General CPR for All Ages
Course Content
- Welcome to the Course
- Medical Emergencies
- Universal Precautions
- Cardiac Arrest
- Choking
- Bleeding Control
- Conclusion
Practice: Hands Only CPR
Now we are going to go ahead and practice along together. If you have a mannequin available, it will work really well to take what you've learned now and turn it into muscle memory so that you are better prepared in case of an emergency. So we are going to come on the scene. We see the victim, we check for scene safety. No hazards in the area. We are going to go ahead and tap and shout. Sir, are you alright? Are you okay? No response. He is not breathing normally so I am going to go ahead and call 911. Put it on speakerphone so I can talk to the dispatcher and they can help direct me through this process. With my palm on the center of the chest or the lower third of the sternum, I'm going to interlace my fingers right on top of the other hand and start my two inch to 2.4 inch deep compressions. 100 to 120 times a minute. So remember with compression only CPR, we're not doing cycles of CPR. We are just doing continuous chest compressions until EMS arrives or help arrives that can take over for you.
When doing hands-only or compression-only CPR, you do not do cycle breathing. You simply continue chest compressions until EMS arrives. Learn this skill by watching the procedure be performed on a mannequin.