Are All CPR Certifications the Same?

Are All CPR Certifications the Same?

Most people only go for one type of CPR certification, and they are in fact unaware that there are many different types. If you were to look into it a bit further, however, you would find answers, and you would have even more questions. The most common question is whether you need to obtain your AED certification, and right behind that is whether or not they need to obtain standard or healthcare provider CPR certification. Don’t worry, we’re here to help and it’s not nearly as difficult as you might think. 

Does your occupation require CPR training?

Before you can choose your CPR certification you need to ask yourself this very important question. Most people need only a standard CPR certification, generally referred to as CPR for the layperson. Take a look at the following profession list and see if you’re on it:

The basic certification will suffice for most people, as you probably know, but if you have a more complex job, particularly one in the healthcare field, then you’re probably going to need slightly more advanced certification. The following list details those who will need to seek out an advanced CPR class, though this list is not all-inclusive by any means:

Finding the right certification for yourself is pretty easy, and if you happen to have any doubts, make sure you ask your instructor or even employer.

What is AED Certification?

AED is an acronym that stands for Automated External Defibrillator ?a device designed for public use. This is a type of training that anyone can get, and while it is designed to make the task of CPR easier, you do not necessarily need to have it, especially if you are getting a standard CPR certification. Despite that, most classrooms will offer AED instruction. 

Infant and Child CPR Certification

Depending on the field in which you work, you might need to seek out infant and child CPR certification to round out your CPR education. Some of the workers that are going to need this type of certification include daycare workers, foster parents, and preschool teachers. In addition to that, many grade school level educators may need to or be required to take this type of education. 

In short, no, not all CPR certifications and educational courses are inherently the same, and you’ll need to make sure you get the right teaching, certification, and experience. The proper certification could easily mean the difference between life and death!

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