Boy saves Sister with CPR, learned from ‘Black Hawk Down’

Black Hawk Down CPR

I don’t know how a boy as young as nine had seen the film Black Hawk Down, but in any event, it helped him to save the life of his little sister who had fallen into a pool. The story is simple.  He had watched Black Hawk Down and saw a scene with CPR featured. He then asked his parents to teach him how to do it, which they did.  When an emergency situation happened, he snapped into action without really thinking about what he was doing, and saved his sister’s life.

Tristan Saghin is the boy, who wants to be a medic when he grows up. His two-year-old sister Brooke fell into a swimming pool and wasn’t breathing when her mom pulled her out of the water. Tristan quickly urged their grandmother to call 911 as he went to work on the CPR.

Tristan’s dad, Chris, says Tristan told him, “‘I really didn’t think. I just knew I had to do something.’ ”

“You don’t expect that to ever come to a place where it saves your daughter,” Saghin says. “He feels proud that he did it, and we tell him, ‘We’re real proud of you.'”

Here’s the scene: (Warning: War violence)

Summary of Black Hawk Down

The film takes place in 1993 when the U.S. sent special forces into Somalia to destabilize the government and bring food and humanitarian aid to the starving population. Using Black Hawk helicopters to lower the soldiers onto the ground, an unexpected attack by Somalian forces brings two of the helicopters down immediately. From there, the U.S. soldiers must struggle to regain their balance while enduring heavy gunfire.

CPR in Entertainment is a series based on rescue scenes found in both TV shows and movies. If you have a suggestion for a future entry, please comment below!

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