How Long Does a CPR Class Take? (What to Expect)

How Long does a CPR Class Take?

In today’s world, we’re so busy that there’s rarely time to stop and do anything that does not involve going to work or getting things in order at home. When we do have time for ourselves, we like to go out and let loose! That leaves so little time for learning new skills. At first, that may not seem like a big deal. After all, what else could you have to learn?

Some skills are more useful than others but at the top of the list of things you should learn is basic CPR and first aid. This knowledge can and does save lives! Did you know that 70% of Americans do not have the know-how to perform CPR and assist in emergencies? This is a travesty that desperately needs to be addressed.

One of the biggest things that hold people back is time. How much can you spare between work, school, and home to squeeze in a CPR class? For many, the answer is not much. How long does a CPR class take anyway?

We’re going to explain how much time you have to set aside for CPR certification and why it might be easier than you think!

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR is an emergency intervention in which you combine chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep a person’s brain functioning and their blood circulating until emergency services arrive.

Why is learning CPR important?

Learning CPR is vital simply because it could save someone’s life, maybe even someone you love. Especially since according to the American Heart Association, about 70% of all cardiac arrests that occur outside of the hospital, happen in the home. Every minute that you stand by and do nothing, a person in distress loses hope of ever regaining consciousness.

Where can you get CPR certified?

In the past, you had to rearrange your busy schedule to find time to enroll in a CPR class at a training center. Even then, it wasn’t always a guarantee that one would be available near you or that there would be any openings left. With the rise of technology and the Internet, you don’t have to worry about those things anymore! Now, you can get CPR certified completely online.

ProCPR courses from ProTrainings are either online-only or blended classes that give you the skills you need through video learning, with or without physical classes to supplement. There are also practice tests as well as downloadable material to study.

General CPR for Adults

This general CPR course teaches you how to perform this life-saving technique on adults in distress. The course material includes:

In all, you should expect to spend at least three hours training, studying, and taking the test. Time varies depending on how thoroughly you choose to study and whether or not you need remedial help.

General CPR for All Ages

Infant and child CPR differs from the approach used with adults. If you regularly work with children or are a parent, it is highly recommended that you take the general CPR course that covers all ages. The course material includes:

As you can see, this CPR course is a bit longer, though you get more knowledge and training so it’s well worth the extra time! In all, you should expect to spend at least four to 4 ½ hours watching videos, studying, and testing. Again, time varies based on how thoroughly you study and whether or not you need remedial help.

What to expect from a CPR class

Now you know how much time you would spend training if you choose to take online classes, but you probably don’t understand exactly what to expect from one of these CPR classes. Let’s get into what you’re going to learn in a class from ProTrainings.

Introductory CPR Training

In the introductory training, you learn:

These topics set the tone for your CPR class and give you a better understanding of why CPR training is important and how you can get started on the right foot in emergencies. The five fears of CPR rescue is a topic that is unique to us.

Medical Emergencies

In this section of your CPR training, you learn about certain medical emergencies and how to react to them. These emergencies include:

Cardiac Arrest Training

In this phase of your training, you learn what cardiac arrest is, how to perform CPR, how to use an AED, and how to perform hands-only CPR. Depending on which class you take, you may learn these techniques only for adults or for people of all ages.


When someone is choking, you must act quickly. You learn how to intervene when someone is choking and, whether they are conscious or unconscious. The state of consciousness or lack thereof affects how you react.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Some pretty nasty, life-threatening diseases can be passed on through contact with someone else’s blood. In this part of the CPR course, you are trained on how to reduce your infection risk and educated on proper hygiene procedures in medical emergencies.

Controlling Bleeding

If you take a CPR class that covers all ages, you get a more involved curriculum that goes beyond what is taught in the class for adults, including how to deal with arterial bleeding and shock during an emergency. Taking a CPR certification class is not as time-consuming or tedious as you might think! You learn incredibly useful skills that could literally save someone’s life in an emergency, maybe even the life of someone you love.

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